
Release software faster by bringing DevOps to the database with Liquibase

Get database code into version control

Easily order and track changes through version control. Always know when, where, and how database changes are deployed.

Build database compliance and security into your development process

Validate database code against compliance and security standards before or during a developer commit, when it’s much cheaper and easier to fix problems.

Work faster with the tools you already use

Collaborate efficiently with tools you already use, enabling true CI/CD for the database.

database CI/CD

Without automation, CI/CD fails at the database

Liquibase automates the database change process so your developers can code at full speed, collaborate freely with the whole team, and deliver continuously with confidence.

CI/CD for the Database
database CI/CD

Make database change faster & safer

Manual database code reviews cause vulnerabilities and delays. Liquibase empowers developers to quickly verify their database code meets security standards, making the process faster & safer.

Quality Checks for Database Changes
eliminate the wait
-- liquibase formatted sql changeLogID:123

-- changeset nvoxland:example labels:v1 context:all
 create table "public"."customer_customer_demo" ("customer_id" CHAR not null, "customer_type_id" CHAR not null, constraint "pk_customer_customer_demo" primary key ("customer_id", "customer_type_"));

-- changeset nvxoland:example2 labels:v1 context:all
 create table "public"."customers" ("customer_id" CHAR not null,
 "company_name" VARCHAR(40) not null,
 "contact_name" VARCHAR(30),
 "contact_title" VARCHAR(30),
 "address" VARCHAR(60),
 "postal_code" VARCHAR(10),
 constraint "pk_customers" primary key ("customer_id"));

It’s time to treat database code like app code

Liquibase lets you track, version, and deploy database code with the velocity to match your application code. So you can collaborate easier, deliver faster, and make breakthroughs—not bottlenecks.

How Liquibase Works
-- liquibase formatted sql changeLogID:123

-- changeset nvoxland:example labels:v1 context:all
 create table "public"."customer_customer_demo" ("customer_id" CHAR not null, "customer_type_id" CHAR not null, constraint "pk_customer_customer_demo" primary key ("customer_id", "customer_type_"));

-- changeset nvxoland:example2 labels:v1 context:all
 create table "public"."customers" ("customer_id" CHAR not null,
 "company_name" VARCHAR(40) not null,
 "contact_name" VARCHAR(30),
 "contact_title" VARCHAR(30),
 "address" VARCHAR(60),
 "postal_code" VARCHAR(10),
 constraint "pk_customers" primary key ("customer_id"));

Here’s what Liquibase users have to say

Liquibase has been downloaded over 100 million times.

See why developers around the world <3 Liquibase.

Why Liquibase?

Liquibase removes the manual, mindless tasks that keep your team from innovating and reduces the friction for teams that depend on each other to deliver.

Manual database changes slow your ability to deliver and your team’s ability to collaborate. Every manual review and validation of every database change in every script is costing your organization precious time and money.

Meanwhile, bad schema changes still sneak through to production—jeopardizing application uptime and putting data at risk for theft.

We created Liquibase to solve the important but time-intensive task of database schema updates. Automate the process and eliminate time-consuming back-and-forths between devs and DBAs and make your databases safer, easily auditable, and compliant.

Liquibase seamlessly integrates with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. 

Liquibase excels in managing schema changes for individual services, allowing for independent updates while keeping overall consistency. 

Liquibase supports a wide range of database management systems (DBMS) including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and more. It is written in Java... 

Liquibase's support team possesses an in-depth understanding of the product and its features. This enables them to provide accurate and effective guid... 

Liquibase greatly reduced the amount of documentation and reports necessary to maintain our applications as developers can just read the liquibase cha... 

Comparing Liquibase and Flyway, I found liquibase to be easier to learn and faster to implement than Flyway. Liquibase is also more flexible than Flyw... 

Existing liquibase documentation is useful for new developers to pick up liquibase and also the set up of liquibase is extremely simple. 

Liquibase greatly enhanced our organization's database admin experience. Not only do we now provide more reliable service, but many of our database ad... 

Liquibase is head and shoulders better than relying on SQL Compare alone for deployments. I haven't used Flyway, but based on our evaluation, Liquibas... 

The changelog system has made it easier for my colleagues who are not super SQL savvy to quickly implement new database changes with confidence. 

We have been able to set up CI/CD from the very start of our project because of Liquibase. This has allowed us to iterate better and move faster in ou... 

We are able to write and deploy scripts easier with the changelog system, as Liquibase provides checks and validation to ensure things work well once... 

We use Liquibase to handle version control and source code control of SQL scripts, helping us version and manage database changes for easy deployment... 

It's a great tool to use when you have scriptable changes that you know really must be under source code control but often aren't. It's also excellent... 

It helped us ensure our database changes are scripted and under version control, so we can easily roll back, we can accurately re-deploy to a new data... 

Liquibase has made easier to keep track of changes so that any of the team member can understand what has been done and to what extent, this helps in... 

It has made deployments faster using automation which has reduced the human intervention significantly hence reducing errors. 

Liquibase is used for automating DB deployment with the use of CICD pipelines seamlessly. The non-intervene of human factor has helped in reducing err... 

It is being used for the deployment & version control in the oracle database. Liquibase has been integrated into our CICD pipeline which provides the... 

As a DBA I was responsible to perform the database deployments in my production environment. So the earlier process was quite tedious as I need to cop... 

The earlier deployment process was manual and error-prone as many pre-steps needed to perform before executing the SQL scripts in the DB. Using Liquib... 

Once a pipeline/platform is laid out as part of heavy lifting by DBA/DevOps and ownership moved to Development team, DBA deployment efforts/hours have... 

Our POC based on other competing tools definitely Liquibase gets a mileage and it's helping our development team for quick and error-free schema deplo... 

The impact on the organization was positive, the teams had no problem adapting to the use of Liquibase for the deployment of the changes, and it was p... 

The rollback process is very simple, improving recovery times. 

We use Liquibase to maintain our changelogs while transforming our data in snowflake and deploying it to test and prod. Liquibase changelogs help us k... 

Excellent customer support team. Very knowledgeable about their products and always there to help. 

We use Liquibase to automate the deployment of database schema changes within our project. Liquibase helps provide consistency, governance and observa... 

By using Liquidbase we significantly reduce the manual workload of a database administrator by automating database schema change management. so that n... 

Liquibase helped to efficiently manage database changes, reduced deployment friction and allowed App teams to focus more on innovation. 

The tool is very smooth to use and has good documentation on the website and community support. 

We were able to make changes in the development environment and eventually releasing that into production environment confidently. We were confident e... 

The schema of the DB change a lot in our product, So Liquibase help us to rollback safe to previous state easy and safe helping us to implement CD/CI... 

As database administrator and consultant, Liquibase is a great tool. It frees up DBA time to manually sync database schema between DEV, TEST and PROD... 

We have a multi-tenant solution where different customers have different RDBMS systems but the same DB structure. Liquibase is used to have a single r... 

It made Deployments definitely better and smoother. 

I would say Liquibase is one of the finest and easiest tool for any type of DB deployments. Especially for Cloud databases. So highly recommended. 

We use Liquibase to enable CI/CD for Database Deployments. With the help of Liquibase we have improved our database deployment process. Some specific... 

I would recommend Liquibase as a change management tool as it gave my data engineering team great flexibility in terms of which databases we could mak... 

This helped us to enable self-service capabilities for our development teams; now, they have better version control and management throughout the enti... 

Every week we receive 10-15 manual database and complex database deployment requests, which are quite difficult for DBA to support apart from other ro... 

This tool is amazing; Liquibase also provides training and certification free, which help us in upskilling and having teams of trained people who can... 

We are using Liquibase to manage our database deployment, which helps us to achieve proper tracking of deployments and enable better troubleshooting/r... 

During our DevOps implementation challenge for the database, we evaluated different tools, and Liquibase allowed us to have the highest number of comp... 

Liquibase has had good support for structured database types, and they are currently working on features for non-SQL databases. 

We received professional support throughout the implementation phase, and in case of any issues, we continue to have world-class support. 

Yes, with Liquibase DCM, we can track deployments across the organization, and with the Rule Engine, we can define a secure set of rules that are eval... 

Liquibase has provided our company, specifically the development and DevOps team a great way for platform change management and audit tracibility of a... 

It has allowed our DevOps and database teams to improve their way of working and to assist in automating may of their tasks in managing all data store... 

Liquibase's support is excellent, both technical support and customer support, they maintain excellent documentation and FAQs for great self-service. 

Powered by open source innovation

The Liquibase project is fueled by fast development and a rapidly growing user base — tested, proven, and supported by the Liquibase experts who know it best.